You may know Burke Williams to be a Luxury Spa where you can spend the day receiving high-quality massages and facials while also enjoying the Jacuzzi, steam room, sauna and quiet room before and after your services. What you may not know is at the heart of Burke Williams, we are called to embody servant leadership. At Burke Williams, we serve our fellow man every day – guests, fellow staff members, and our community alike.
Top 6 reasons to work for a company that gives back to the community.
“As human beings, we innately realize the importance of giving back to society, because it fulfills our deepest human needs. Growth is one of those needs. Volunteering also fulfills our needs for contribution and significance, making us feel needed, unique and helpful.”
~Tony Robbins
6 Reasons why you should work with a Burke Williams Recruiter?
Recruiters can provide valuable assistance beyond the realm of student life. Their ultimate goal is to ensure job seekers secure employment, and they often function as reliable guides throughout the process.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer Chen during a Hiring Fair at National Holistic Institute in Ontario. She was very inquisitive and eager to learn as much as she could while she was in school. Jennifer joined the externship program at Burke Williams Pasadena where she received coaching on body mechanics, massage techniques, communications and other skills to enhance success as a massage therapist. After graduating and becoming a Certified Massage Therapist, she applied and was hired.