From the recruiters' desk

A day in the life... Mike Essa

Written by Jenn the Recruiter | Nov 1, 2023 7:45:19 PM

You may know Burke Williams to be a Luxury Spa where you can spend the day receiving high-quality massages and facials while also enjoying the Jacuzzi, steam room, sauna and quiet room before and after your services. What you may not know is at the heart of Burke Williams, we are called to embody servant leadership. At Burke Williams, we serve our fellow man every day – guests, fellow staff members, and our community alike. For the last 23 years, Mike Essa has lived the culture of service and humility while working as a Front Desk Agent, District Manager, VP of Operations and General Manager. Seven years ago, he was asked to lead our flagship Santa Monica location as their General Manager. Read below as Mike describes how the Burke Williams Santa Monica Team serves each other, their community, and carries with them the heart and values that Burke Williams has cultivated from the beginning.

Name:  Mike Essa  Joined: 2000

Burke Williams Location: Santa Monica    

Position: General Manager 

How would you describe the Burke Williams Santa Monica Team?

"The Santa Monica Team are some of the kindest and most supportive people I have worked with. One of the most endearing gestures was when the previous Massage Manager was diagnosed with cancer. The team came together and created a fundraiser; organized a bake sale and gave massages to guests who paid by donations to the Massage Manager and his family. Staff helped take him to his chemo and radiation appointments to alleviate some of the burden from his wife. Together, they raised $8000. When Burke Williams owners, Bill and Theresa Armour, heard about this, they matched the donations, giving the family $16,000 to help with the medical costs. It was beautiful to see the team and guests come together to support their teammate!"

What charities do you support and what opportunities does your team have to support each of the charities?

"For more than 10 years, we have joined the Adopt-A-Family Program in downtown Los Angeles during the holiday season. Many Burke Williams locations are assigned to a family in need. We buy gifts, wrap them up and then deliver the gifts to the families in the Skid Row neighborhood. It has been great to see our team members and their families come together with open hearts and loving actions, to provide the resources necessary to make holiday celebrations possible for those less fortunate.

Clarice Health is an affordable women’s clinic focusing on sexual health and pregnancy. They have a parenting program that offers mentorship and educational workshops to pregnant women and new moms. Twice a year they hold a celebration for all of the women who graduate from the program. For the last seven years, several of our massage therapists have donated their time to offer 30-min chair massages to the graduates.

Recently, we learned of the company Creative Steps. Creative Steps helps adults with diverse abilities integrate into the community. In support of these caregivers, we have given all of them a 3-Day Spa Pass to come in and enjoy our spa at their leisure. We’ve also given them several gift cards to raffle off so they can come in to receive a service and be pampered by our staff."

How do you choose the charities that you give back to?

"Burke Williams founders, Bill and Theresa Armour, have done so much to bring servanthood into the heart of Burke Williams. They are connected with the Adopt-A-Family Program and are on the Board of Trustees of Clarice Health. Bill and Theresa lead by example and make working at Burke Williams a company where it’s not just a job, but a work family living with a higher purpose.  

One of our guests received a gift card for Burke Williams and works for Creative Steps.  After receiving her service, she reached out to me and together we created this opportunity to connect and serve the caregivers in our community."

Why does your team give back to the community?

"Our commitment to being a giving community is not just about philanthropy; it's about the spirit of compassion that we carry into every interaction, whether it's with our guests, our team members, or the neighborhoods we call home. We wholeheartedly live by our credo, "We Exist to Transform Your Day," and we extend this transformation to our wider community, making it a brighter, more vibrant place for everyone.

Through our dedication to giving, we've discovered that it's not just the recipients who benefit; our team and our company as a whole are enriched by the act of service. It's a reminder of the strength that comes from working together, supporting one another, and caring for those around us. At Burke Williams, giving back is not a responsibility; it's a privilege, an integral part of our identity, and a reflection of our unwavering commitment to transforming lives, one day at a time."

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