Summertime is on its way and with it comes fun, sun, and memories in the making! Beach bunnies and BBQ fiends can find joy under the summer sun, but harmful UV rays and extreme heat can cause exhaustion, skin problems, and other long-term health issues. Luckily with a little preparation summer can be a time to relax and recharge. Check out these tips on the importance of protecting and treating skin, hair, and mental health and get ready for the best summer yet!
Sustainable shopping is a hot topic and environmentally-minded fashionistas can find beauty and personal care products that lean towards green. Eco-friendlier beauty routines can potentially be more cost-effective and are a step in the right direction for the planet. By reducing, reusing, and recycling at the vanity you can make beauty decisions that are better for the environment and your skin. We’ve rounded up 5 of our favorite ways to feel amazing while reducing your carbon footprint – check out our top picks below and embark on a greener beauty routine!