The spa can sound like a mystical land to the unacquainted (and it is!). As with trying anything for the first time, it helps to have a bit of guidance beforehand.
Acne - it’s the most common skin disorder in the country. Dermatologists see more patients seeking treatment for acne than any other condition.
Everything about the spa is right. The look, the feel, the smell - everything you need to unwind and recharge. But what’s a girl to do between visits? Ease your spa withdrawal symptoms with the following five tips:
The most popular article that The Wall Street Journal’s Magazine has ever published is entitled “Is Sitting a Lethal Activity?”. This really caught our attention, because life is too short to - well - shorten it further.
Who knew that high-end hair care could be found right in your very own kitchen? The basic nutritional needs for your locks are in everyday household foods, as long as you know which (and how much) ingredients to add.
The Part of Showering You Didn’t Know Was Drying Out Your Skin and Hair
Lotion and conditioner, conditioner and lotion. Why are your skin and hair always tending toward the dry side?
We all have to prioritize in life. Time and money are scarce, and sometimes choices have to be made. The question for many women (and men) is: do I have room for a spa membership in my budget?
Burke Williams is pleased to introduce a new Steam Pedicure to the Torrance spa location beginning Friday, February 7. The new pedicure system replaces the use of water with steam to hygienically open pores and eliminate dead skin cells to leave the feet feeling soft and hydrated for days.
A woman’s body goes through major changes (to say the least) during pregnancy. Many of these changes manifest as discomfort, unfortunately. Fatigue, cramping and body aches can leave you wanting to hit the spa more than ever while pregnant.